Keeping Your Resolution In The New Year

The New Year is here, and it’s time to put those resolutions in motion. However, sticking to them is the real test. We have the best intentions when it comes to improving old habits each year, but we’re human and it can be challenging at times. Don’t stress! The following tips will help you stay on track. Make 2016 your best year yet.

  • Buddy System: There really is safety in numbers. Instead of trying to reinvent the wheel by yourself, recruit a friend, family member, yoga buddy, etc., to hold you accountable and vice versa. Try doing bi-weekly or monthly check-ins. They can be as simple and laid back as friendly reminder texts, emails or calls.
  • Use Technology: Smartphones and tracking devices can aid in keeping up with your New Year’s resolutions. They enable you to set goals, log food, track activity, and even find and challenge friends (refer back to Buddy System). Technology is part of your everyday routine. It can only help to bring in support where you already are.
  • Mulligan Rule: When it comes to resolutions, everyone deserves a do-over (or two). Make a conscious effort not to make it a habit but also don’t get discouraged if you falter. Things come up. Life gets busy. The universe is out of our hands. Tomorrow is a new day. Take full advantage of it!

Resolutions are about self-improvement, not self-deprivation. Enjoy life. Relish in moments with family and friends.

What’s your New Year’s resolution this year? Share them with us on Facebook or Twitter.